


national-patriotic education, martial law, primary school students, directions, forms and methods.


The article is devoted to the topical issue of national-patriotic education of junior schoolchildren under martial law. The article identifies and substantiates the socio-pedagogical conditions of national and patriotic education under martial law (patriotic conversations, familiarisation with national symbols and traditions, project activities and workshops, excursions and virtual trips, participation in social projects, meetings with veterans of the Armed Forces and heroes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine). The article focuses on the importance of ensuring children’s information security, as the Russian Federation involves Ukrainian children in unconsciously committing crimes in the online environment. In this regard, the author analyses the essence of instruction for children on the rules of behaviour in the Internet space. The author analyses educational activities with patriotic content for primary school children, provides examples of cartoons with national and patriotic content which we recommend for viewing with further discussion; describes innovative forms, methods and means of national and patriotic education, substantiates their importance in the formation of national identity and active citizenship of primary school students. The article reveals the essence of the mass form of organising national-patriotic education – the International Student Public Readings “I Vote for Peace”, and provides samples of works by primary school students included in this year’s collection of readings. It is substantiated that the war with Russia has actualised the need for national and patriotic education of all citizens of Ukraine and junior schoolchildren in particular, since junior school age is a special period in ontogenesis, in gaining experience of social behaviour, sensual, moral, ethical and aesthetic spheres as a basis for further formation of high national consciousness, active citizenship, readiness to protect national interests, independence and integrity of Ukraine.


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