


future psychologists, professional training, preventive upbringing, teenagers, comprehensive educational establishment, subject of educational activity.


The article analyzes the training of future psychologists for preventive education of adolescents with deviant behavior in general secondary education institutions. The approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to the training of future specialists in higher education were studied. The author specified pedagogical conditions for successful professional training of future specialists. The article describes the peculiarities of adolescence as a period of transition, crisis, and difficulty. The need to establish constructive interaction with all subjects of educational activity for the purpose of preventive education is noted. In the process of professional training it is important to focus on the stages and mechanisms of development of the value self-awareness of the future specialist, the means and techniques of providing psychological assistance, innovative methods, forms and techniques of preventive education of young people. To work with student the future specialists in the field of psychology must acquire knowledge about developmental psychology and the specifics of physical, psycho-emotional and social development of adolescents. The main pedagogical conditions necessary for the effective preparation of future psychologists to work with difficult adolescents in the following areas are highlighted: the fullness of the educational and professional program with educational components, the content of which contributes to the awareness of higher education students of the importance of preventive education among children and youth; the conducting various forms of classes with children in secondary education institutions during pedagogical practice on their preventive education; the involvement of future psychologists for the work with parents of secondary education students and explaining the importance of preventive education in families. The main emphasis is placed on the need of the continuous professional self-improvement of the young psychologists.


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