



software, data processing, functional characteristics of RStudio, R programming, environment libraries, mathematical competences


The process of forming the competencies of IT specialists in the application of computer technologies for performing calculations and conducting research using a mathematical model can be divided into several stages. The modern approach became possible only in the last few years, based on the use of special mathematical packages. The purpose of the research was to form a methodical system of using the RStudio environment for the formation of students' mathematical competencies. To review the methodological capabilities of the RStudio environment, an analysis of scientific articles and open sources related to this software and an experimental study of the functionality of the environment were performed. The choice of the appropriate software is a key decision in the field of formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in higher mathematics that meet the various needs of IT specialists. This article contains a systematic overview of the functional and software capabilities of the RStudio environment aimed at performing typical tasks in higher mathematics. Well-formed algorithms, solving mathematical problems in the R language, combine programming skills with the problems of performing mathematical calculations. Practical skills of visualization of the results of calculations significantly complement the methods of formation of mathematical competences. The conducted analysis made it possible to form a systematic methodical approach to the formation of mathematical competences using the RStudio environment. The work provides a comprehensive overview of methodological approaches to the study of sections of higher mathematics through the use of libraries and programming capabilities of the R language. The article defines the methodological principles of using the RStudio software environment in the process of studying higher mathematics in the training of IT specialists. The conclusions formed in the research allow formalizing the system of integration of the RStudio environment into the methodological complex of studying higher mathematics at the faculty of cybernetics.


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