


informatization of education, information technologies, future teacher, professional development, modern technologies, technologies of pedagogical creativity, technologies of development of professional and creative abilities


The article theoretically researched and analyzed some aspects of the problem of professional development of the future teacher in terms of modern technologies studied in the scientific discourse in the theoreticalpractical plane. In the process of preparing the publication, the following research methods were used: theoretical (analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature); interpretative and analytical method, generalization. In accordance with the defined goal, the interpretation of the key concept "professional development", which has different emphasis in the scientific discourse, has been clarified. It has been found that in the psychological and pedagogical literature, professional development is characterized as the growth, development of professionally significant personal qualities and abilities, professional knowledge and skills, the active qualitative transformation of the individual's inner world, which leads to a fundamentally new organization and way of life - creative self-realization in the profession. The concept of "professional development of the personality" is defined as a long process of interaction between the personality and the profession, where the development of the personality is connected with the development of the individual and psychological characteristics of the specialist and takes place in accordance with optimal measures for the quality performance of professional activities. It was noted that the professional development of future teachers should be considered, on the one hand, as a process of education, on the other - as a result of the formation of a personal and meaningful attitude to professional and social interaction. In the realities of the modern information society, the role of informatization of education is actualized, where the use of information technologies helps ensure that the professional development of the future teacher meets world standards. The technology for the development of professional and creative abilities, pedagogical creativity in the professional development of the future teacher is singled out as a decisive factor in his "advancement" to the heights of pedagogical mastery.


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