


personality, personality traits, charity, war, empathy, informational uncertainty, motivation, motives, personality traits


The article presents the results of an empirical study on the socio-psychological profile of individuals engaged in charitable activities. The main objective of the study is to understand the value-motivational determinants of charitable behavior and to determine the role of personality traits in influencing charitable actions. The research employs methodological principles of psychosemantic modeling of implicit personal representations and Timothy Leary's Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality to empirically reveal the personal issues of charitable behavior in the context of social activity, as well as the socio-psychological needs and motives of individuals. Overall, the structure of perceptions regarding the socio-psychological profile of people inclined to charity both those who engage in charitable activities and those who do not includes significant personal characteristics with moral content («benevolence», «responsibility»), action-oriented content («ability to work in a team», «reliability», «communicativeness», «diligence», «stubbornness», «activity»), and cognitive content («empathy», «thoughtfulness»). Common characteristics for both groups include constructs such as «ability to work in a team», «empathy», «and diligence». In both subgroups, «ability to work in a team» and «empathy» are positively valued, while «diligence» is negatively valued. This suggests their importance in the socio-psychological profile of individuals inclined toward charitable behavior. The study identifies a range of characteristics in the socio-psychological profile of individuals who engage in charitable activities. These individuals exhibit a high level of responsibility, are willing to sacrifice their own interests, strive to help and empathize with others, participate in group events and cooperation, have an exalted need to spread friendliness to those around them, seek recognition from the most authoritative individuals in the group, and endeavor to find mutual understanding with others.


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