


science education, method of teaching natural sciences, natural subjects, research-oriented learning, LAMAP,


Science education in Ukraine needs to review and update the forms, methods and technologies of education, get acquainted with the experience of teaching science subjects and introduce the best practices (methods, technologies) into the educational process. The article emphasized the importance of research-oriented learning technologies, in particular, the innovative French technology «La main à la pâte» (LAMAP) in the teaching of natural sciences. The purpose of the article: to analyze the history of LAMAP technology and find out its possibilities in teaching natural sciences. The authors established that «La main à la pâte» is literally translated as «hand in the dough» («hands-on») and its essence is that students learn the educational material only during independent work (with their own hands). Three members of the French Academy of Sciences – Nobel laureate in physics Georges Charpak, Pierre Léna and Yves Quéré – introduced LAMAP in 1996. In the article, the authors singled out the main stages of the development of «LAMAP» technologies in France, starting from the 1990s: the launch of the «La main à la pâte» program, the creation of a network of pilot centers, implementation in general secondary education institutions (from primary school to colleges), creation of the «La main à la pâte» fund, functioning of the Houses of Science, emergence of the network of «La main à la pâte» colleges, creation of the Climate Education Office, development of a website for the implementation of distance learning, etc. The authors found out that the teaching of natural sciences using the "LAMAP" technology has a research character, aimed at solving a certain problem (problem situation), formulation of hypotheses by students, their verification and proof, conducting experiments and formulating conclusions. A special feature of LAMAP is the close cooperation of scientists and practicing teachers during the education of science students. LAMAP ideas are used in the work of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


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