


innovative education, innovative technologies, innovative methods, primary school, younger students.


The article explains innovative technologies in the linguistic and literary field of primary school education. The concept of “innovative learning technology” is considered and the pedagogical conditions for organizing innovative learning in elementary school are highlighted. The usage of innovative technologies as an important factor for the development of cognitive abilities of primary school students is substantiated. It was found that innovative technologies play an important role in the educational process, because it is organized so that all younger schoolchildren participate and learn, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they already know. The innovative technologies really open up new opportunities for the development of the personality through the realization of his cognitive interests and needs. The organization of effective communication in such a context becomes an important component, as it allows to ensure successful interaction between the participants of the process. Participants of the communication process in an innovative environment should be more mobile, as technologies provide the opportunity to interact at any time and in any place. They also need to be more open to new ideas and perspectives, as innovative solutions often require a creative approach and innovative decision-making. A harmonious combination of innovative technologies and traditional teaching methods creates an optimal platform for mastering educational material at primary school. A variety of innovative teaching technologies is presented, and it gives the teacher the opportunity to properly choose methods specially suitable for a specific topic, as well as to adapt them to the level of students’ knowledge in the classroom. The author investigated advantages of innovative learning technologies, which include the possibility of performing a larger amount of work in the same period of time, as well as achieving high efficiency in learning the material and forming skills and abilities, innovative learning technologies contribute to the development of educational activities, including planning, reflection, self-control and mutual control. They also contribute to the formation of motivation for learning, help to create humane relationships among children, and also develop the skills of cooperation and teamwork. It was found that as a result of the optimal using various innovative learning technologies, the positions of the teacher and students in the educational process are changed.


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