


reflection, professional reflection, Antropological Approach, the readiness for professional and educational activities, professional self-improvement.


In the article we presented recognizing of reflection as a specific form of the activity with the aim of understanding one’s own actions allows us to consider professional reflection through the prism of such a phenomenon as psychological readiness for the activity in the paradigm of Antropological Approach. We’ll emphasize that for the emergence of a state of readiness for complex types of activities, which, in our opinion, also includes reflection, the following stages are necessary: 1) awareness of the demands of the society, the team and one’s own needs; 2) awareness of tasks, the solution of which will lead to the satisfaction of needs or achievement of the set goal; 3) understanding and assessment of some conditions in which future actions will take place, actualization of the experience related to solving problems and fulfilling requirements of this kind in the past; 4) determination, based on the experience and assessment of future conditions of the person’s activity, of the most probable and helpful ways of solving problems or fulfilling certain requirements; 5) predicting the manifestations of one’s intellectual, emotional, motivational and volitional processes, assessing the ratio of one’s own capabilities, the level of harassment, the need to achieve a certain result, etc. We showed, that the readiness of a student of the university for professional and educational activities was a complex component of psychological education and included: 1) a positive attitude towards professional activity and stable motives for this activity; 2) professionally significant features of mental processes; 3) personal qualities, necessary knowledge, abilities and skills, which are adequate to the requirements of professional activity. Thus, psychological readiness for the person’s activity contributes to the formation of professional reflection, which, in turn, determines this readiness. Readiness provides a great opportunity for the individual to use knowledge, experience, to adapt to the conditions of various professional situations and it is, like reflection, a crucial condition for quick adaptation to the future profession and further professional selfimprovement.


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