


traumatic event, stress, structural personality model, processes of integration, synthesis, implementation, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychotherapy.


The article examines the essence of traumatization through the prism of the structural model of the personality, which violates the integrity of the mental sphere and the functioning of subsystems of the personality. The mechanisms of overcoming the traumatic impact of the personality have been characterized – the processes of integration, synthesis and implementation. Integration involves the inclusion of a psychotraumatic experience in the cognitive-affective schemes of the individual. Synthesis allows establishing the connections between internal and external, feelings and actions, creating the sense of integrity and internal coherence of the individual. Realization has been understood as “an integrative mental action that involves awareness of reality, accepting it as it is, as well as creative and reflective adaptation in it”. The author describes the “BASIC Ph” model of recovery from trauma, which consists of 6 main channels: belief, affect (emotions), social (social life), imagination, cognition (cognitive functions), physical activity. The results of the psychodiagnostic method “Multidimensional model BASIC Ph” conducted with internally displaced persons from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Zaporizhzhya and Mykolaiv regions, temporarily living in Rivne city and Rivne region since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, have been presented. Women are aged 21–59, who applied for free psychological help. The total number of interviewees is 17 women. The results of the psychodiagnostic technique “Multidimensional BASIC Ph model” showed the need to actualize such personal resources as “feelings” and “communication”. Actually, psychotherapeutic and/or consultative contact with the clients will contribute to the “unblocking” of emotions and feelings as a consequence of psychotrauma, will actualize the desire to live in harmonious, activity-filled life, and will contribute to the prevention of the development of PTSD.


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