cognitive activity, younger students, integrated course «I explore the world», primary schoolAbstract
The article substantiates the peculiarities of the development of students' cognitive activity in the lessons of the integrated course "I explore the world" in the primary grades of the New Ukrainian School. It was found that the most important motive of a person's cognitive activity, which excites him to seek the truth, is cognitive interest. It has been investigated that the development of cognitive activity and interest in knowledge among younger schoolchildren is the most important condition for the education of such valuable qualities as the development of cognitive abilities; strengthening of abilities and skills to independently learn and comprehend educational material; formation of basic intellectual skills necessary for mastering the integrated course "I explore the world" in elementary grades. It has been proven that the purposefulness of mental activity, the development of intellectual reflection and innate talents of students depends on cognitive activity. The essence of the concepts "cognitive activity" and "cognitive interest" is defined. The method of developing the cognitive activity of a primary school student is presented. The stages of formation of students' cognitive activity are highlighted. The conditions for the formation of a positive attitude towards the educational activities of younger schoolchildren are characterized. Effective means of developing children's cognitive interests in learning are described. The pedagogical conditions for the organization of the educational process, which ensure the effective formation of the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren in the lessons "I explore the world", have been studied. Indicators of the development of cognitive activity of primary school students have been clarified. The main conditions for the effectiveness of the development of cognitive activity during the study of the integrated course "I explore the world" are substantiated. It is noted that the development of cognitive activity of junior high school students in the process of studying the integrated course "I explore the world" will be carried out more effectively under the condition of purposeful, systematic, methodically balanced use of various teaching aids. It has been proven that the development of cognitive activity of junior high school students in the lessons of the integrated course "I explore the world" is facilitated by: the formation of positive motivation for activities in students; use of playful, interactive, personallyoriented tasks and exercises of a developmental, creative, problem nature.
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