


communication, intercultural competence, teaching methods, teaching technologies, higher education students, foreign language learning


The article characterizes the technologies of forming intercultural competence of higher education students in the process of foreign language learning. It is determined that in the context of the rapid development of international relations and global world changes, the emphasis on the formation of intercultural competence is becoming an urgent task in higher education. The article analyzes the views of scholars on the problem of forming students' intercultural competence. The authors define the concept of “intercultural competence” as an integrative characteristic of a personality that helps the individual to communicate successfully with other culture representatives, allows to understand national and cultural differences and traditions of other peoples, the system of their value dominants, habits, customs, and attitudes. Intercultural competence ensures the readiness to understand, respect and productively use cultural stereotypes, implies readiness for successful interaction and cooperation in an intercultural environment. It has been researched that intercultural competence includes the ability to adapt to new cultural environments, the skill of resolving intercultural conflicts. It is determined that intercultural learning occurs when a person is ready to understand and accept a specific system of perception, thinking, values and behavior of another culture, integrating this knowledge into his or her own system of orientation. It is stated that the following technologies have significant potential for the development of intercultural competence: information and communication technologies, technologies of gamification of the educational process, training technologies. The implementation of various forms of academic mobility in an educational establishment is also important for the above quality development. The online platforms, services, and games that contribute to the development of intercultural competence of higher education students while learning a foreign language are presented in the article.


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